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Top 5 Business Podcasts
Here are five of the most popular business podcasts, covering a range of industry-related topics, to help you learn and stay motivated to grow!
IRS Provides Additional Tax Deadline Relief
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2020-23, announcing their extension of many additional key tax deadlines for both businesses and individuals.
CARES Act Guide: Loans
We’ve created a guide comparing CARES Act Emergency Injury Distaster vs. Paycheck Protection Program loans.
GASB Calls for Accounting Standards Postponement
On April 14, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) released a statement proposing the postponement of the effective dates of certain accounting and financial reporting requirements set to go into effect soon.
Spring Cleaning: Recordkeeping Guidelines to Save or Shred
Are you a recordkeeping pack rat?
Paycheck Protection Program Loans 25 FAQs
Small businesses may apply for a forgivable loan under the CARES Act. The funding from the federal government for these loans is limited.