Trisha White Headshot

Trisha L. White, CPA

Accounting Services Principal | Rochester Office




American Business Women’s Association

Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce

Rochester Exchange Club

Rochester Public Library Foundation Board

How Trisha got here

  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting from University of Wisconsin, River Falls
  • Joined the Rochester tax and small business team in 2004 when Smith Schafer merged with Coffman, Nehring and Christopherson

    How Trisha approaches work

    “Honesty is the best policy. Providing the professionalism, trust and customized service that each client expects and deserves.”


    Related Service Resources

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    IRS Announces Form 1099-K Reporting Relief

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    Ways Outsourced Accounting Can Benefit Your Business

    Ways Outsourced Accounting Can Benefit Your Business

    In recent years, business owners have faced higher expectations regarding financial transparency and government compliance. Many businesses struggle to juggle the day-to-day responsibilities alongside more complicated tasks such as accounting, compliance, finance, and risk management.

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