Trisha White Headshot

Trisha L. White, CPA

Accounting Services Principal | Rochester Office




American Business Women’s Association

Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce

Rochester Exchange Club

Rochester Public Library Foundation Board

How Trisha got here

  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting from University of Wisconsin, River Falls
  • Joined the Rochester tax and small business team in 2004 when Smith Schafer merged with Coffman, Nehring and Christopherson

    How Trisha approaches work

    “Honesty is the best policy. Providing the professionalism, trust and customized service that each client expects and deserves.”


    Related Service Resources

    Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance

    Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance

    On August 8, 2020, President Trump issued an executive order and three memoranda providing or extending COVID-19 relief to individuals and organizations. On August 28, 2020, the Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service issued guidance for implementing the memorandum’s payroll tax deferral portion.

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    4 Cost Accounting Basics You Should Know About

    4 Cost Accounting Basics You Should Know About

    Cost accounting aims to capture a company’s total production cost by assessing the variable costs of each step of production. It is a process of gathering, examining, summarizing, and evaluating various alternative courses of action.

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