Timothy R. Jewell, CPA.CITP

Principal | Minneapolis Office


How Tim got here

  • Associate Degree in Accounting from Bartlesville Wesleyan College
  • Bachelor of Accounting from St. Cloud State University
  • Joined the Smith Schafer Minneapolis practice with the merger of BPK&Z in January 2017

    How Tim approaches work

    “I like to see businesses become more productive and profitable through the correct use of their technology. I help clients achieve this through the planning of technology expenditures and finding new ways to use their technology to its fullest potential.”


    Related Service Resources

    IRS Formally Clarifies PPP Expense Position

    IRS Formally Clarifies PPP Expense Position

    The IRS issued Revenue Ruling 2020-27 on November 18th, formally denying the ability to deduct expenses related to PPP forgiveness. In the ruling, the IRS clarified the deduction for PPP expenditures is denied in the period the expenses were incurred (2020), even if the taxpayer waits until 2021 to apply for forgiveness.

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