The return and growth of demand for transportation services are promising for the industry, but with rising costs, it is important to keep up with industry trends to stay profitable. Here are five things transportation companies should focus on as we move through 2022:
Have you Heard? Electric School Bus Programs Rising in US
The school bus industry has recently experienced a moderate level of technological change and development.
2023 Transportation Industry Tax Tips and Update
As we pass the halfway point of 2023, it is time to consider how law changes will affect your business in the year-end to come and what items have changed from the previous year.
5 Lease Accounting Guidelines for the Transportation Industry
These new rules will significantly impact the financial statements of transportation companies leasing real property, equipment, vehicles, and any other fixed assets. Here are five ways the new lease rules may affect transportation companies.
School Bus Companies: IRS Audits and Fuel Tax Credit Q & A
Over the past 45 years, we have dealt with several IRS audits involving the fuel tax credit claimed by our bus company clients.
ESOPs & Succession Planning for your Transportation company
This article will provide insight on employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) and how they can be an option for succession planning for transportation companies. An ESOP can provide many benefits, such as tax savings for owners and the business and increasing the culture of ownership by involving employees who have shown service and loyalty.
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