
PPP: New Interim Final Rules and Forgiveness Applications

PPP: New Interim Final Rules and Forgiveness Applications

The SBA and Treasury have released new Paycheck Protection Program guidance and forgiveness applications. This new material addresses changes brought by the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act, including those to PPP loan maturity, deferral, and forgiveness.

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Business in the Post-Coronavirus World

Business in the Post-Coronavirus World

As we slowly start to transition into reopening, many business owners are anticipating significant changes—a new normal. While no one can know how things will turn out, we want to spend some time discussing what the post-coronavirus business world might look like.

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10 FAQs: Accounting for PPP Loans and Forgiveness

10 FAQs: Accounting for PPP Loans and Forgiveness

Under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the federal government authorizes up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. Small businesses are receiving loans, and many have questions on how to account for the funds, expenses, and forgiveness in their accounting records.

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